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This curriculum represents the educational outcome of the Re-Cult project running between 2021 and 2024 in the frame of the Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships program of the European Union (2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035083).


Re-Cult is a blended learning method in visual education that enables people to rethink, recycle, and rebuild their cultural identities, social, and digital skills. Through the power of art, creativity, and visual education, Re-Cult supports the inclusion of people with refugee, migrant, or cultural minority backgrounds into their local communities. The method explores visual creativity to understand the complexity of cultural identities and encourages people to communicate through images, and to upcycle and recycle their knowledge, skills, visual heritage, as well as materials and objects, fostering environmentally conscious creative practices.


The Re-Cult method has been developed based on the needs of local migrant communities in five different European countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, and Italy). It was observed and tested in the context of local art workshops involving people with various cultural, personal, and migration backgrounds. To address the identified needs, the Re-Cult method is based on three main pillars:

  1. An online platform collecting good practices, learning tools, and hosting a community of people with different professional backgrounds interested in the aims and tools of the method.

  2. A series of online video tutorials presenting some of the most interesting activities developed within the project, to be experienced individually or in learning groups.

  3. A learning method and curriculum co-designed based on the local workshops and embedding the tutorials, presented in the following pages of this document.





The Re-Cult curriculum handbook contains the following chapters:

  1. The methodological and conceptual framework, presenting the main artistic, psychological, and methodological concepts and tools used during the construction of the method.

  2. The description of the approaches and main elements of the method, including a detailed list of 21 learning units (exercises) and 9 micro-lesson video tutorials with relevant links and references.

  3. A set of recommendations on the use of the learning units within a learning and teaching context, and 4 examples for the creation of learning paths by linking several learning units to improve specific skills and competencies of the target groups.



The Re-Cult method and curriculum is designed for trainers, teachers, workshop facilitators, social workers, artists, and any other people actively working to support the integration and adaptation of people with migrant and minority backgrounds into their host society. The learning units and tutorials, also available for individual use or for small communities, are dedicated to anyone interested in exploring methods and tools for using the power of art for social inclusion and communication.

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