Recycling exercise with the
OrnaMental Maps technique
OrnaMental maps is a method to create half-consciously drawn geometric ornament on recycles objects based on a collection of ornaments.
If you or your organisation have tried out or applied this creative exercices within a workshop, please share your experience with us. You can also upload images and put link to your website or social media.
Why to work with ornaments ?
Ornaments have dozens of different uses, functions and meanings broadcasting universal and very specific messages at the same time. Their main characteristics that make them apt to reuse and recycle :
they are free from ideology still they are closely connected to ethnic, religious or cultural identities
they can be adapted to many different material and digital artistic medias
there are easy and simple methods to create them even without having special artistic skills
creating them has a therapeutic aspect and a calming effect.
They are everywhere and it's possible to approach many different topics through them.