Recycling materials and cultural heritage
Discovery and Creation of
Migrating Objects
Recommended for
Women and/or children with migrant or refugee background
Duration and phases
4 sessions + a blended part that you can organise in 3 or 4 days
Number of participants
Between 5 and 12 persons
Part 1: Introduction
1. Community building and communication
2. Developing vocabulary in local language
3. Creating cultural encounters within an intercultural group
Between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the number of participants

1. Collect as many types of spices as possible from various regions, countries, and cultures. Encourage participants to bring their favorite spices as well.
2. Have participants smell each other's spices and guess their origin.
3. Ask them to introduce themselves by sharing their name in their own language and then repeat it in the local language.
4.Inquire about how they use these spices and how they might imagine combining them with other flavors or dishes. Encourage them to share any memories associated with the spices.
5. As a supplementary digital activity, explore the textures of the spices through macro photography. Capture their visual nuances from a different perspective, and consider using a tiny microscope for an even closer look.

Part 2 : Discovery
Discovering and appropriating unfamiliar aesthetics
Learn more about the use of microscope from our tutorial
1. Discovering artworks issued from a third culture.
2. Getting familiar with public spaces, resolving practical questions such as moving around the city and getting in touch with local people, institutions, etc.
3. Making participants familiar to the use of a museum or an art exhibition
Between 2 and 4 hours
Materials needed
- Travel tickets
- Museum tickets
- Smartphones
- WhatsApp or Messenger application

Find an exhibition showcasing artwork from diverse cultures. This exercise is centered around creating a common ground between the local visual culture and the participants' cultural background by exploring art objects from a third culture. Keep this in mind when selecting the exhibition or museum to visit.
Prior to the exhibition visit, instruct participants to capture pictures of intriguing, exciting, strange, or unfamiliar details. They can photograph the entire art object or focus on specific textures, shapes, or colors. Encourage participants to take photos of each other while capturing images of the exhibited objects to document their reactions and feelings toward the artworks.
After the exhibition visit, establish a WhatsApp or Messenger group and have participants share their photos. Assist them with any technical issues they may encounter. This exercise not only encourages participants to practice using digital tools but also helps you discover the art objects that surprised or fascinated them the most

Part 3 : Blended workshop
Finding familiar decorative details at home
1. Change one's vision about surrounding objects in everyday life
2. Enhancing independent work and improving skills in photo making
3. Improving writing skills
4. Acquire analytical skills
30 minutes
Materials needed
- Smartphones
- WhatsApp or messenger application
"As a blended component of the workshop, request participants to revisit the exercise of taking photos at home of decorative details they appreciate. These could include familiar objects, pieces of cloth, or anything else they find aesthetically pleasing.
Prompt them to reflect on what makes these objects familiar or aesthetic to them. To enhance their writing skills, encourage them to jot down their ideas.
Have participants share their photos with the group through WhatsApp or Messenger."

Part 4 : Discussion
1. Finding common features in newly acquired experiences, sharing feelings, sensations and impressions
2. Improving communication skills and self expression
30 - 60 minutes depending on the number of participants
Materials needed
- Smartphones with previously taken photos
- WhatsApp or messenger application
- Eventually a video projector
If you have the necessary technical tools, such as a video projector, you can create a virtual exhibition room with the photos taken during the exhibition and at home. This allows participants to view their photos side by side, facilitating comparisons of colors, patterns, and shapes. They can also share their impressions about each other's pictures. If this isn't possible, you can discuss the pictures by displaying them on participants' mobile phones.
Encourage them to identify common features in unfamiliar objects seen during the exhibition and in photos taken at home.
Seek a common ground by identifying something in the exhibition that all participants appreciated. It could be a specific combination of colors, geometric shapes, or something unusual yet intriguing. For example, participants might be intrigued by the surprising use of vivid colors in some popular art or by the unfamiliar way familiar topics are represented.
Connect this conversation session to the creative workshop, allowing learners to find immediate and direct inspiration in what they have just discovered when you launch the creative activity.